From the classic Disney movie The Little Mermaid, the determined and free-spirited Ariel dreams of adventure. This Ariel mermaid doll is ready to make a splash in her signature look and comes with a figure of her friend Sebastian and 2 accessories from the movie. Doll cannot stand alone. Colors and decorations may vary.
Inspired by the beloved animated characters in Disney's The Little Mermaid, this Ariel doll and Sebastian figure are ready for all of life's adventures!
This Ariel doll wears her signature shell top and shimmering mermaid tail and comes with long, red hair for brushing and styling fun
Includes a figure of her adorable crab friend Sebastian, a tiara and 2 treasured accessories from life on land!
Makes a perfect gift for kids to play out their favorite movie moments or make up their own stories!
Fans can collect all the Disney Princess fashion dolls and accessories for the ultimate adventure!